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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Promise Neighborhoods- comments open

Reprinted from March 17, 2011 OVAE Connection Newsletter:
On March 10, 2011, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan submitted a Federal Register Notice announcing the Department of Education’s proposed priorities for the Promise Neighborhoods Program. The proposed priorities for the competition are now available for public comment through April 11, 2011, and include both planning and implementation grants. The level and allocation of funds among the grant types are contingent upon the final Fiscal Year 2011 budget.

The competitive grants provide funds to design comprehensive approaches for addressing challenges faced by students living in communities with concentrated poverty. Promise Neighborhoods projects are intended to support organizations that have a strategy for building a continuum of solutions, and have the capacity to achieve results for this population. The solutions must be designed to improve significantly the educational and developmental outcomes of children and youths from birth through college and a career. Under the proposed priorities, nonprofits, institutions of higher education and Indian tribes would be eligible for grants.

We encourage interested parties to review Proposed Implementation Grant Priority 8: Family Engagement in Learning Through Adult Education—a priority for applicants with plans that are coordinated with adult education providers serving neighborhood residents, such as those funded through the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, as amended—given in the full list of proposed grant planning priorities.
Link to announcement:
For info, contact: Jill Staton. Telephone: (202) 453-6615

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Career Pathways Innovation Fund Grants Program - SGA-DFA-PY-10-06 - Deadline March 31, 2011

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL or the Department) announces the availability of up to $122 million in grant funds to be awarded under the Career Pathways Innovation Fund (CPIF) Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA, or Solicitation). Based on statutory requirements, at least $65 million of the total designated funds will be reserved for projects that focus on the health care sector. Four types of entities are eligible to apply as lead grantees: Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBs), individual community and technical colleges, community college districts, and state community college systems. For the total amount of funds available through this SGA, DOL intends to fund approximately 40 to 50 grants ranging from $1 million to $5 million. In addition, DOL intends to reserve funding of approximately $6.25 million of the total appropriation to award additional funding to support grantee efforts to conduct a third-party evaluation of the grant activities.

Green Jobs Innovation Fund - SGA-DFA-PY-10-07 - Deadline March 29, 2011

The Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the availability of approximately $40 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Title I, Subtitle D, Section 171(d), Public Law 105-220 for the Green Jobs Innovation Fund (GJIF) to increase the number of individuals completing training programs who receive industry-recognized credentials and to increase the number of individuals completing training programs for employment in green jobs. ETA proposes to fund approximately five to eight grants to national and statewide organizations with local affiliates with existing career training programs to provide technical and basic skills training that lead to green job opportunities in at least six communities per grant with this SGA. With these grants, the Department is emphasizing critical steps along green career pathways by: 1) forging linkages between Registered Apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs, and/or 2) integrating the delivery of technical and basic skills training through community-based partnerships.

Link to full announcement:

Bank of America Launches 2011 Neighborhood Excellence Initiative- Deadline June 1

Bank of America Launches 2011 Neighborhood Excellence Initiative

The Neighborhood Excellence Initiative, the Bank of America Foundation's signature philanthropic program, is designed to recognize, nurture, and reward community-based organizations, local heroes, and student leaders working to improve their communities. The program, which takes place annually in forty-five Bank of America markets in the United States as well as London, is focused on areas of critical importance to community well-being, including education, community development/neighborhood preservation, arts and culture, and health and human services.

The program has three components:
1) The Neighborhood Builders program provides two outstanding nonprofit/charitable organizations in the forty-five eligible markets with operating support and rigorous leadership training. Neighborhood Builders recipients are awarded $200,000 ($100,000 annually for two years) in general operating support. They also benefit from specially designed leadership development programs for their senior executives and emerging leaders. Senior executives gather for two four-day workshops covering a range of topics, including strategic thinking, business planning in tough economic times, leadership development and succession planning, long-term business growth, and building a diverse funding base. Emerging leaders gather for three four-day workshops covering a range of topics, including developing organizational management skills, managing strategic opportunities, forging alliances, and building communities. Applicants must be registered nonprofit organizations that are based in and serve communities in the forty-five eligible Neighborhood Excellence Initiative markets. (Deadline: June 1, 2011.)
2) The Local Heroes program honors community champions who are working to measurably improve their communities and who inspire others to get involved.
3) The Student Leaders program seeks to further develop the leadership skills of students who demonstrate a passion for improving their communities.

Complete program guidelines, a list of eligible markets, and the online application process are available at the Bank of America Web site: