OPE stands for Office of Post Secondary Education and is made up of two parts:
–PPI- Policy, Planning, and Innovation
–HEP- Higher Education Programs
The OPE is the agency responsible for several programs of which you may be familiar:
1. FIPSE – Fund for Improvement of Post Sec Ed
3. IDUES- Institutional Development and Undergraduate Education Programs Service- Title III/Title V
4. IEPS- International Educational Programs Service- Title VI
5. Teacher and Student Development Programs Service
This is a link to a page with lots of contact info for various departments within OPE:http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/contacts.html
There are currently three open competitions. The others have not announced yet, but we can expect to see the Comprehensive Program open sometime this Spring.
You can email Susan.Lehmann@ed.gov with your name, email, telephone, and website to be added to email blast announcing grants.
Tips from Susan about FIPSE:
•Look at “What’s New” box on the right side of this page to see what’s currently open:
•Susan said the best way to learn more about the FIPSE grant process is to sign up as a reviewer the year before you plan to apply. This is the link to apply to be a reviewer: http://opeweb.ed.gov/frs/register.cfm
•FIPSE Google Maps provide program maps of current grants including dollar amount, description, and director contact info. Susan suggested that talking to previous grant winners is a great way to get tips.
•She also said that their agency accepts appointments in their DC office to provide grant seekers with personalized guidance. She said it is most helpful if visiting college personnel bring a list of their grant ideas to review. To make an appointment, interested parties should call 202-502-7500. She suggested that college officers also consider calling on of the other Dept of Ed offices for appointments while they are in the area.
•She may do a webinar this Spring to talk about funding opportunities. You can email her to request information on that.
Here is the link to the TRIO Dept of Ed homepage: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/trio/index.html
Upcoming Competitions for TRIO Funding–Educational Opportunity Centers - application deadline date, fall 2010; summer 2011 award date
–Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement - application deadline date, fall 2010; summer 2011 award date
–Student Support Services - application deadline date, late fall 2009; spring/summer 2010 award date
–Talent Search - application deadline date, fall 2010; summer 2011 award date
–Training Program for Federal TRIO Programs - application deadline date, winter/spring 2010; summer 2010 award date
–Upward Bound - application deadline date, summer/fall 2010; spring 2011 award date
–Upward Bound Math-Science - application deadline date, summer/fall 2010; summer 2011 award date
–Veterans Upward Bound - application deadline date, summer/fall 2010; summer 2011 award date
–Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program - A grant competition is not anticipated in FY 2010.
IDUES- What is Title III and V?
•The Aid for Institutional Development programs (commonly referred to as the Title III programs) support improvements in educational quality, management and financial stability at qualifying postsecondary institutions. Funding is focused on institutions that enroll large proportions of minority and financially disadvantaged students with low per-student expenditures. The programs provide financial assistance to help institutions solve problems that threaten their ability to survive, to improve their management and fiscal operations, and to build endowments.
•From its inception, one of the primary missions of the Title III programs has been to support the nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Title III programs have been expanded to support American Indian Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities, and Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions. The Title III program also includes the Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program.
•The Title V, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, strengthens institutions serving Hispanic and other low-income students.
•The Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program is the undergraduate incentive program administered by IDUES. Other undergraduate programs administered by this office have not received new funds for additional competitions or have been placed in closeout status.
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